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  • The story concludes... but what lies ahead?



    Hello, this is Director Lee Jong-ju.

    I thought I'd start this post with a little wordplay in the title. As we're getting close to our release, we're putting the final touches on the game. For those of you who've been eager to know the exact release date, I'm happy to share that it's set for August 28th!

    Now, let's dive into our main topic: the direction for the next scenarios following the ending of the original story.

     If you've seen the official PV for "Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy", you might remember this line:

    "The thousand-year story will make your spirit reawaken"

    It all starts before the Gagharv Calendar, with an epic battle between the ancient Gods, Baldus and Octum, ending with Octumbeing sealed away. Civilization kicks off with the appearance of the Blue Tribe (Water Tribe), but it's the formation of the Gagharv Crack that really gets the Gagharv Chronicle going.

    Here's when the heroes of the original series started their journeys:

    Gagharv Calendar 937: Legend of Heroes IV: A Tear of Vermillion

    Gagharv Calendar 943: Legend of Heroes V: A Cagesong of the Ocean

    Gagharv Calendar 992: Legend of Heroes III: The Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch

    These events happen about 900 years after Gagharv began. With this background, you might start to see where we're heading.

    We're aiming to unfold this 1,000-year story bit by bit through episodic content. We'll be releasing episodes like A Tear of Vermillion, Cagesong of the Ocean, and Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch, along with various major and minor episodes.

    When we first talked with Falcom, they agreed to let us create new scenarios beyond the original endings, as long as we stick to the established geography and lore of the Legend of Heroes universe. However, we can't expand beyond this universe, like crossing the Legionne Sierra into another world.

    Of course, even within the established universe, any new content needs approval to make sure it fits with the existing lore. 

    “We're committed to moving forward carefully, making sure our additions respect and enhance the established universe.”

    Let me share an example of what we're thinking about.

    One big episode we're exploring is "The Chronicles of Michel," often seen as the true protagonist. While we're still working on the subtitle and detailed scenario, this is an episode I'm really excited about (it's my personal favorite).

    Michel, who shows up in all three series, mysteriously appears in Ragpick Village at age 16 in 908. We want to explore his early years, his interactions with other protagonists, and what he was up to in Tirasweel.

    Other stories we're considering include:

    -Captain Thomas’s journey across Gagharv and his battle with Ramon in the Emerald Sea

    -The story of King Milligan, the Flame King and ancestor of Muse, who founded the nation of Phildin in the 200s Gagharv era

    -The tale of Leone Frederick Richter, who created resonance stones and prepared for the future

    -The story of the Blue Tribe around the dawn of the Gagharv era

    -The post-ending lives of the protagonists

    We have lots of stories we're eager to share with you.

    Our goal is to create a rich, comprehensive experience by carefully crafting each era's story, one episode at a time.

    That wraps up this second topic. In our next post, I'll be talking about “What makes the game’s combat distinctive and strategic.”

    I've got plenty to prepare for our discussion on combat mechanics.

    I hope you all have a great day, and I'm looking forward to our next chat.

    Thank you.

    Director Lee Jong-ju

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