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  • Information about Palman’s Balance Patch and other contents



    Hello, this is Director Lee Jong-joo.

    Today, I would like to inform you about Palman’s second balance adjustments, changes to the DoT (Damage over Time) rules, and other updates.

    Let's start with Palman.

    Palman Balance Adjustments

    Palman’s main skill has a charm in its repetitive use, but its conditions are quite limited. To improve versatility, it will now repeat based on probability. Since the conditions are more lenient, the damage multiplier will be slightly reduced. Additionally, the effect of the 6th transcendence stage will be added to the base skill to improve performance at lower transcendence levels.

    To enhance Palman’s survivability, the passive skill will be adjusted as follows:

    The transcendence effects will be modified to improve Palman’s survivability and attack power at lower transcendence stages, making Palman more useful even at those stages:

    Origin Weapon
    With the change in the main skill’s reuse conditions, the number of skill reuses becomes less significant. Therefore, the reuse chance will be increased:

    DoT (Damage over Time) Rule Changes

    We previously mentioned adjusting the combat rules to improve the practicality and user experience of DoT damage. The DoT damage rules will be changed as follows:

    Case 1: After using Borgeid's main skill "Flames of Disaster" (with Origin Weapon equipped) twice, only the most recent burn effect will apply = Existing effect refresh.
    Case 2: After using Borgeid’s "Flames of Disaster" and Roule’s main skill "Flame," both burn effects from Roule and Borgeid will stack = Same burn skill, but stackable because they are different skills.
    Case 3: Shirla’s main skill, passive skill, and Origin Weapon effects will stack for a total of 3 poison effects = Same poison skill, but stackable because they are from different sources (main, passive, and weapon skills).

    Adventurer Skills Added
    New adventurer skills will be added for A Tear of Vermillion and A Cagesong of the Ocean at the ★1500 threshold:
    - A Tear of Vermillion (★1500): "Strong Body" will help with survival in higher difficulty content.
    - Effect: Defense +5%, Health +5% (applies to final stats).

    - A Cagesong of the Ocean (★1500): "Baker III" increases stamina recovery speed, useful for farming and adventuring challenges.
    - Effect: Stamina recovery speed +13% (with Baker I-III, 1 stamina is restored approximately every 5 minutes).

    ★6-Star Gear Tier Enhancement
    Currently, ★6-star gear ranges from Tier 22 to Tier 25. As the tier increases, both the base stat values and the maximum possible sub-stat values increase. Although higher-tier gear is generally better, it is harder to obtain, and getting the desired sub-stats is even more challenging. As a result, good sub-stats on lower-tier gear can often be more beneficial. To address this, we will make two improvements:

    1. Increase the base stats of higher-tier gear
    Higher-tier gear should encourage farming and offer fitting performance, so the base values will be adjusted accordingly.

    2. Introduce a feature to re-roll sub-stats
    Since high-tier gear is rare, and obtaining the desired sub-stats is even harder, we’ll add a feature to re-roll sub-stats. However, to maintain the fun of farming new gear, the number of re-rolls will be limited. The currency used for this will be obtainable through adventuring. This update will be implemented in the October 31st patch.

    Aria and Lita’s Balance Adjustment Plans

    Currently, the party's healers include Eimelle, Filly, Aria, and Archem. While Archem is a 2-star hero and easy to obtain, as a melee hero, it's difficult to use in adventuring. Eimelle and Filly are pickup heroes, making them hard to acquire after their respective periods end.

    Aria has good overall healing abilities, but her sub-skill’s range is small, and her low initial mana delays skill activation, making her less practical. Therefore, Aria’s weaknesses will be addressed, and 2-star hero Lita will be adjusted to function as a multi-target healer to provide an alternative when 3-star healers are unavailable.

    These changes will also be part of the October 31st patch.

    Regarding the Mysterious Chest
    The Mysterious Chest appears randomly on the chapter map when you win a battle during an adventure.

    If you use "repeat battle" or "retry" without leaving the adventure map, the Mysterious Chest animation will not be shown (to avoid interrupting the flow). However, if you exit the battle after retrying or losing, the Mysterious Chest animation may appear when you return to the adventure map. This simply indicates that the chest was already earned through a previous victory. It will not appear after a loss, so please keep this in mind to avoid confusion.

    We’ve reviewed the logs for all mysterious chest appearances today and found no issues. Over the past seven days, the user who discovered the most mysterious chests found 23. Based on the stamina usage and battle records of all players, the appearance rates are in line with the intended probabilities.

    Regarding the PC launcher update, a patch was applied today to allow for more convenient payments via the PC launcher. However, due to a communication error between departments, this patch, which was intended for today’s maintenance, was applied yesterday without prior notice. We will reinforce internal processes to prevent such occurrences in the future.

    For any concerns regarding the mysterious chest, rest assured that the rewards are handled server-side. If there had been an issue, both the mobile and PC platforms would have required updates.

    That concludes today’s updates.

    Thank you.

    Director's Note Surprise Coupon
    Coupon Code: ZHPTG
    Expiration: November 23rd, 14:59 (UTC+0)

    Reward: 15 Bread Baskets

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