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  • I'm sorry for the long delay



    Hello, this is Director Lee Jong-joo.

    Many of you have been waiting, but since we need to resolve issues in a complex manner rather than addressing just one or two problems, we require additional internal discussions on solutions and timing. This caused a delay in preparing this message.

    It seems that, currently, the unpleasantness and fatigue levels in the game are continuously rising beyond what should be enjoyable.

    This is, of course, my mistake for not designing things more thoroughly.

    I sincerely apologize for causing stress in a game meant to relieve it.

    Due to the excessive growth difficulty, party composition lacks flexibility, and due to the challenging contents combined with battle fatigue and stress from having to rely on luck, has significantly impacted the player’s overall experience.

    Although the "Extrem" difficulty has highlighted the issue, I don't believe it is limited to just that mode.

    Overall, it seems that various elements in the game are gradually creating more challenging experiences for players, leading to a comprehensive issue across the game.

    It absolutely needs to be fixed.

    There are aspects that can be addressed in the short term, and others that will require more time and careful consideration.

    However, I believe that what's crucial right now is the willingness to change and take action.

    And a clear sense of direction is essential.

    While the best direction would be one that satisfies the entire player base,

    there will certainly be some players who may feel a sense of loss or diminished achievement in this process.

    However, we are committed to making changes with a genuine effort to understand and consider the experiences of the majority of players.

    Direction for Adventure Content

    In the game, adventure is the content with the highest emphasis.

    It covers aspects such as scenario progression based on progress, farming for growth resources, and garnet acquisition. The role of adventure content, allowing players to repeatedly farm for essential growth resources, is becoming even more significant.

    While content up to the "Hard" difficulty required an appropriate level of growth testing and provided corresponding rewards,

    I believe that from the "Extrem" difficulty onwards, we have demanded excessive growth testing without offering adequate rewards.

    Additionally, due to the unreasonable immunity to status effects and status effect skills of the monsters, even when there is a viable strategy, the influence of luck on the battle outcomes has increased significantly.

    As a result, it seems we have caused a lot of unpleasantness during the gameplay experience.

    While some level of difficulty differentiation is necessary, the current gameplay is leading players to feel they’re wasting stamina and time, with each stage presenting a new, daunting challenge even after overcoming the last. Although our original intention was to create an area of challenge, this direction is evidently unsuitable for content that serves so many roles.

    Moving forward, we will create true challenge content elsewhere, and make the adventure content a place where appropriate growth tests come with equally suitable rewards.

    We will remove the immunity to status effects for all monsters in "Extrem" difficulty (including caves), minimize and significantly reduce status effect skills, and mitigate knockback values to allow battles to be conducted as intended.

    Additionally, we will lower the average monster levels in "Extrem" difficulty overall for a more gradual adjustment.

    Additionally, to enhance the sense of reward and purpose, we plan to add special achievements tied to the number of accumulated stars, with rewards including a Gagharv Legendary Hero selection ticket.

    Hero XP Acquisition
    Ultimately, while we expanded the maximum level as a growth incentive, the excessive experience points required have hindered the use of various heroes.

    I believe this has led to the phenomenon where players feel compelled to reset certain heroes to strengthen others.

    As players aim to challenge higher adventure stages, heroes that are well-utilized in other content have increasingly become candidates for reset.

    This phenomenon has emerged due to the negative perception of content.

    I certainly believe that improvements are necessary, and we are considering ways to reduce the burden of leveling up.

    We are exploring various solutions, and we will continuously incorporate these into future updates.

    Additionally, I promise to avoid a direction where the individual growth of heroes becomes excessive in the future.

    Improving the Origin Weapon Summoning System
    As noted, we see this as a systemic issue that may lead to increased player fatigue as gameplay continues. Reducing the burden of weapon summoning is necessary, and while we considered multiple solutions, we determined that allowing players to select a single weapon to summon, rather than two, is the most reasonable approach.

    Additionally, we will add a special achievement to obtain a weapon selection ticket after a certain number of summons. This ticket will include all ★5 origin weapons, including any new ones added in the future.

    Enhancing Push and Attendance Rewards
    The push rewards and attendance rewards that were previously provided routinely have lost some value due to fluctuations in the value of resources.

    We will change the rewards for push notifications and attendance checks to be significantly enhanced compared to the current ones, so that they can be applied starting from this week's patch.

    The current attendance rewards you have will remain until the current attendance period ends, and we will prepare the newly revamped attendance rewards for you to receive in this week's update.

    In addition to the points mentioned today, we will also gradually improve other outstanding issues and diversify new content to provide different experiences, ensuring that various play patterns, rather than the same ones, can be established through sequential updates.

    I understand well how heavy the weight of communication can be.

    Choosing to take it on is also our responsibility.

    However, although it may take some time, I never think about avoiding game issues.

    I believe it is essential to analyze user trends and assess the current situation through indicators, and to identify any issues deemed problematic internally within the development team.
    I think that improvement is absolutely necessary.

    However, we also recognize that games attract diverse players with differing perspectives, and sometimes competing interests. It may take time to satisfy all players and make the game healthier, and we ask for your understanding that each change may have implications.

    Thank you.

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