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  • Information regarding the changes of Origin Weapon Summoning System, Pioneer Rewards, and Upcoming Content



    Director's Note Surprise Coupon
    Coupon Code: MBXZN
    Expiration: December 5th, 14:59 (UTC+0)

    Reward: 15 Walnut Bread Baskets

    Correction: The reward was 10 Walnut Bread Baskets, but it was written as 15. This has been corrected.

    Hello, this is Director Lee Jong-ju.
    Today, I’d like to discuss the rewards associated with the much-awaited changes to the Origin Weapon Summoning System and the distribution of Pioneer Rewards, as well as the new content that will be introduced in the near future, including this week.
    As we proceeded with adjustments to the Origin Weapon Summoning System and Adventure difficulty, we concluded that compensation would be necessary for players who have consistently played the game prior to these improvements. After internal discussions, the rewards have been finalized as follows.
    Reward Information for Origin Weapon Summoning System Update
    To recognize those who used the Origin Weapon Summoning System before the updates, we will provide compensation, as the new system may seem disadvantageous by comparison. Rewards will be distributed based on the following criteria:
    Eligibility: Players who used the Origin Weapon Summoning System before the October 31st patch
    Reward Details: 1 Origin Weapon Summon Ticket for every 20 summon attempts, rounded up in cases of decimal counts.

    Example: 1001 summons = 51 tickets
    Rewards will be distributed via mail with this week’s patch.

    Pioneer Rewards for Extrem Difficulty
    For the players who quickly completed the challenging "A Cagesong of the Ocean" episode on Extrem difficulty and guided the game with their strategies, we will provide step-by-step rewards based on their progress.
    Given the high difficulty, we felt that symbolic rewards would be more meaningful than typical in-game rewards. Therefore, special profile icons and borders will be distributed as follows:
    Reward Criteria and Details
    Before the Extrem difficulty adjustment patch (as of October 30th, 00:00 UTC+0):
    Clear Stage 16-10 of the A Cagesong of the Ocean (137 players)
    - Adventure Pioneer Profile Icon + 3 Pioneer Borders + 50 Higher Tool Selection Box Boxes
    Clear Stages 16-9 to 15-1 of the A Cagesong of the Ocean (139 players)
    - Adventure Pioneer Profile Icon + 2 Pioneer Borders + 30 Higher Tool Selection Box Boxes
    Clear Stages 14-10 to 10-1 of the A Cagesong of the Ocean (290 players)
    - Adventure Pioneer Profile Icon + 1 Pioneer Border + 20 Higher Tool Selection Box Boxes
    All players who attempted "Extrem" difficulty (including A Tear of Vermillion)

    - 20 Walnut Bread Basket + 10 Higher Tool Selection Box Boxes (including the pioneer players listed above)
    Higher Tool Selection Box Box
    In the Higher Tool Selection Box Box, players can choose high-tier tools not available from Tool Merchants, typically obtained through quest rewards or adventures.
    Available Selections: Fierce Attack Garnet, Iron Wall Lapis, Rarest Potion, Sp. Arcanum 3, Crystal of Purity, Cure Bottle (L), Leash Bottle (L), Sage's Card, Revitalizing Medicine.
    These rewards will be distributed based on each player's progress. Higher Tool Selection Box will be sent via mail with this week’s patch, and profile icons and borders will be distributed next week once it is complete.

    Expansion of Gagharv Abyss to 200th Floor
    The Gagharv Abyss, which previously only had content up to 150 floors, will be expanded to 200th floors in this week's patch. As previously mentioned, clearing the 200th floor will grant players a The Legend of Gagharv Selection Ticket.

    New Content: Mirror Illusion
    Let’s go over details and the update schedule for the previously mentioned new content. This content encourages players to clear higher stages by forming various team compositions. Mirror Illusion is divided into Mirror Illusion and Mirror’s Abyss.
    Clearing Mirror Illusion a certain number of times will unlock Mirror’s Abyss, a content that resets periodically, with changing monsters to challenge after each reset. Key rules are as follows:
    - Tools cannot be used.
    - The same hero cannot be used on the same stage.
    - Each guild must choose a unique buff, which cannot be repeated.

    - All heroes’ levels are fixed at 70.
    Since this content requires multiple heroes, it is designed to lessen the burden of leveling. However, certain growth factors, such as Transcendence, Potential, Rank Up, and Evolution stats, will apply to maintain the RPG nature.
    In the following week, we will release screenshots and gameplay examples to better illustrate the content.

    New Guild Raid Boss: Idun
    Following Nephtys and Scotia, Idun, one of the elemental spirits from A Tear of Vermillion, will be added to the Guild Raid. This raid has been designed to reward players who use magical heroes to achieve higher scores, so please prepare for the Idun Raid, which will be available on November 21st.

    Synergy Effect Rework and Synergy Items
    Initially, players frequently used mana recovery synergy, but now attack speed and critical rate synergies are more popular. We are currently reviewing all synergy effects and planning to introduce more synergy combinations that can be used for team composition.

    While synergy effects are currently limited by the number of heroes per team and the six-member team restriction, we are planning to introduce items (tentatively named) that will allow additional team synergies. These items will be available through new content, and the update is scheduled for November.

    NOTE: The in-game terms shared here are not final and are subject to change after the update.

    This concludes today’s announcements.

    Please take care of your health as the weather cools, and I will return tomorrow with updates on Madram balance adjustments and story-related content.

    Thank you.

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