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  • Schedule for Madram’s Balance update and future scenario



    Hello, this is Director Lee Jong-joo.

    Today, I’d like to discuss the balance changes for Madram, the final subject of the second balance patch.

    Madram Balance Adjustment


    When first designed, Madram's main skill was intended to enable him to move to the enemy's backline, deal damage, and threaten specific targets, fulfilling his role as an assassin.

    Additionally, the main skill's stealth, along with the passive and secondary skills' evasion-boosting effects, were planned to secure his survivability.

    - The short duration of stealth in the main skill
    - The high mana required to use the main skill again
    - The knockback effect on the target being attacked

    result in disrupted movement, target changes, and damage loss, which in turn slows down mana recovery and reduces overall effectiveness in practical combat situations.

    Additionally, when Madram's target is attacked and moves toward the center of the battlefield, Madram often gets hit by area-of-effect skills, compromising his survivability.

    Since Madram's current damage output is not substantial, he can unintentionally speed up the opponent's mana recovery as well.

    These combined factors reduce his effectiveness in practical combat, ultimately making it difficult for him to fulfill the originally intended role of an assassin.

    Therefore, Madram’s basic attack, main skill, sub-skill, and passive skill will be adjusted as follows.

    However, since the mana required for the main skill has been reduced and the duration of the invisibility has been increased, if the previous invisibility rule is maintained, there is a risk that Madram could stay invisible and survive indefinitely until the end of the battle.

    Therefore, the effect will be changed so that when all allies, except for Madram, are dead, invisibility will be canceled and Madram will no longer be able to use invisibility.

    This change only applies to Madram's invisibility and does not affect all forms of invisibility.


    With the change in Madram's passive effect, the Transcendence Stage 3 effect will be adjusted to enhance the modified passive effect.

    Next is the content related to the scenario.

    About two months after the game's release, the main scenario progressed.

    As I mentioned before, many players were disappointed with the expression method of Chapters 1-3 of the A Cagesong of the Ocean scenario, so starting from Chapter 4, which was added later, we focused more on consistency and direction. To preserve the process of obtaining the Resonance Stone, which is key to the A Cagesong of the Ocean episode, we required an internal process improvement and review period.

    Fortunately, most of the users have given positive feedback on the scenario development in Chapter 4, stating that it has improved compared to the previous chapters.

    We will continue to ensure that it gets even better moving forward.

    Additionally, during the process improvement and review period, we have been preparing to update the scenario on a regular schedule, and we will now announce the confirmed update dates.

    A Cagesong of the Ocean Chapter 5: November 28th
    A Cagesong of the Ocean Chapter 6: December 12th
    A Cagesong of the Ocean Chapter 7: December 26th
    A Cagesong of the Ocean Chapter 8: January 16th

    Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch Prologue: January 16th

    ※ Although the chances are low, the schedule shown above might change.

    It seems I didn’t mention the update date for the new Mirror Illusion content yesterday, so I’d love to share that information with you now.

    Mirror Illusion will be released in the update next week (November 14th).

    That’s all for today’s update.

    Thank you.

    Last time, there was a mistake in the Director's Note coupon, showing 15, but since the coupon reward couldn't be changed, I corrected it to 10.

    So today, I prepared a coupon with 15 Walnut Bread Baskets.

    Director's Note Surprise Coupon
    Coupon Code: VWMQY
    Usage Period: Until December 6th, 14:59 PM UTC+0
    Reward: 15 Walnut Bread Baskets​

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