Hello, this is Director Lee Jong-joo.
It's been a while since I've written a dev note during maintenance.
It's easy to get bored during maintenance because I can't play our game...
I've always wanted to write dev notes to deliver brief updates to adventurers, but I haven't had the chance lately.
So today, I'd like to share with you how I write Dev Notes!
How I Write Dev Notes
1. Select Keywords
2. Write a rough draft
3. Polish the draft
4. Save the draft temporarily using my secret sub account in the community
5. Final check for typos
This is the routine I follow. (Is this TMI?)
Tower of Challenge
Tower of Challenge has been added as new content.
I believe there's a high possibility that a Conqueror will emerge this season.
Arcana Tool utility is crucial in Tower of Challenge, though there is a purchase limit.
The key to an efficient strategy will be minimizing Arcana Tool usage while maximizing your heroes' growth.
When we first designed this content, we focused on connecting it to the Growth System.
It will truly be a challenge for our adventurers.
However, when we previously updated the Sanctuary of the Water Tribe Stage 13 & Halloween Challenge, we expected them to be difficult to clear.
Contrary to our expectations, adventurers cleared them rapidly.
But I humbly believe this time will be different from the Sanctuary of the Water Tribe and Halloween Challenge.
As today is the first day, we'll be carefully observing the results and working to improve the content.
If there are issues with difficulty levels, we'll modify the Growth aspects rather than reducing the monsters' levels.
Synergy System Improvement
Our initial plan was that unfavorable synergy buffs could be used broadly, and inefficient aspects caused by party formation could be supplemented with items. However, during development, we realized it would be more fun to focus on completing synergies and farming. That's why the plan became so extensive...
Anyway, we'll be updating the new synergy system that enhances synergy items, along with new content for farming these items.
This update is planned for mid-March. With sufficient growth and farming, you'll be able to set up to three synergies at maximum level. (Could 7,7 be possible?!)
We'll also modify inefficient aspects of the existing synergy system. The Mana Recovery 7 synergy currently operates differently than our initial design. We've kept it this way to maintain the effect's integrity. (Modifying the mechanics could potentially decrease its effectiveness.)
So we're carefully considering whether to modify it while improving the overall synergy system.
I hope to see you in the next dev note!
Thank you!
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