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  • Early Morning Reflections...



    Coupon Code: ETZCY
    Expiration Date: September 30, 14:59 (UTC+0)

    Hello, this is Director Lee Jong-joo.

    I’m writing this at home after work, listening to the Legend of Heroes BGM on my computer (specifically, I’m listening to "Memoria" at the inn, for those who might be curious).

    I’ll update the surprise coupon in the post when I get to the office tomorrow.

    Since it's very late, I should have gotten it issued from the business team in advance, but I feel too sorry to contact them at this hour, so I ask for your understanding.

    I was thinking about what to share today and decided to just write as things come to mind without a specific topic.

    It might be best to start with the key updates coming in this week’s patch:

    • Free monthly Growth Reset item.
    • PC build key mapping added.
    • Second font size increase.
    • Episode 5 early stage balance adjustment for easy mode.
    • Balance adjustments for early stages of Destiny, Eternal and Sea Abyss.
    • Increased drop rates for Volumes 4 and 7 of Quick Ravin.
    • Other improvements and bug fixes.
    I’ve only listed the most notable updates to keep this from getting too long. The patch is scheduled for this Thursday.
    Regarding key mapping, we’ve set it up so that you can play with the keyboard in the first stage. Custom key changes will likely be provided in a future update.
    The running button function has also been changed from a click function to a toggle function, allowing for an On/Off option.
    1. Enhancing Story Quality

    There are areas in the story cutscenes and dialogues, like those in A Tear of Vermillion or Cagesong of the Ocean, where we also felt some shortcomings during production.

    While we strive to stay true to the original, some parts were condensed to avoid being too sluggish, and we had to make some compromises with the schedule.

    We acknowledge these issues and want to assure you that we’re committed to continually improving the quality and completeness of both the story and the game.

    To be honest, this won’t be an immediate fix. We’ll implement changes quickly where possible, but other improvements will take more time. Since adding the main story after Chapter 3 of Cagesong of the Ocean is currently a priority, we ask for your understanding on this. (We’ll be more meticulous starting from Chapter 4.)

    You can expect more illustrated cutscenes than before, and we aim to gradually improve the storytelling aspects that have been lacking.

    2. Director’s Note on Story

    There were some things I talked about with Izuren during the broadcast, including a promise to explain the ending scene of Cagesong of the Ocean in a Director’s Note.

    I also planned to occasionally share interesting story elements, but since many of our players are experiencing the Gagharv Trilogy’s world for the first time through our game, I’m concerned about potential spoilers. I hope those who were waiting for these insights will understand.

    Today’s post has been quite scattered. For those still awake, I hope you have a great end to your day and a restful sleep.

    Thank you.

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