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  • Direction for Hero Balance Adjustments



    Hello, this is Director Lee Jong-Ju.

    Today, I’d like to talk about hero balance in general. Balancing is truly a difficult aspect, as it seems like every person has different perspectives and preferences and balance itself is often a matter of relativity.

    Even in long-standing games, balance is continuously tweaked and improved over time. While there's no definitive answer when it comes to balancing, what’s most important is to ensure that the majority feel it's reasonable and justified.

    Before diving into details, I’d like to clarify that while communication with players is crucial, it's also important to stay aligned with the game's long-term direction.

    Although I always try to address players' needs and make improvements where necessary, I hope you understand that sometimes there's a dilemma when those needs conflict with the game's intended path.

    Now, let's address the current situation:

    1. Balance differences between Legends of Gagharv Heroes
    2. The performance of certain 3-star heroes

    1. Balance Differences Between Gagharv Legend Heroes

    Currently, there are four Legends of Gagharv Heroes. Among them, Savior Avin and Pure White Gueld are widely used, while Transcendent Mile and Captain Thomas are relatively underutilized. I understand that players are frustrated by the disparity in performance among these four heroes, despite them being of equal value.

    It’s impossible to make all four heroes equally versatile. If all of them were useful across all content, future hero releases would lose much of their significance, and I don't think that's what players want either. However, I do recognize that Transcendent Mile and Captain Thomas currently lack a clear position in the game’s content.

    Thus, we plan to adjust their balance while maintaining their original design concepts so that they can play a more distinct role in certain content.

    The original concept for Transcendent Mile was to be either a main or support damage dealer and a debuffer (focused on reducing defense). However, in current content, such as high-difficulty adventures or Golden Island of Bale, Transcendant Mile isn't essential, and in Threat of Gagharv: Karnikos, his defense-reduction effect isn't as effective. So, Transcendant Mile’s concept will be shifted to emphasize his role as a main damage dealer, with adjustments to his weapon effects.

    Captain Thomas was designed to excel in content with many playable heroes, like Hall of Heroes or Infinite Abyss: Gagharv Abyss. However, he often struggles with mana capacity, survivability as a melee damage dealer, and the effectiveness of his passive skill, "Tailwind." Therefore, we will adjust Captain Thomas’s balance to reinforce his original concept, focusing on his performance in hero-heavy content. We're currently testing changes related to mana capacity, adding a fear effect module, and reviewing his passive skills.

    2. Performance of Certain 3-Star Heroes

    There are definitely some 3-star heroes who are currently underperforming. We'll prioritize balancing those heroes whose concepts aren’t fully realized or who aren’t very useful in existing content. We'll start by addressing the survivability risk of close-range heroes and work from there.

    We are aiming to implement the patch by September 26th. If additional adjustments are needed, we’ll announce a further patch date.

    For those wondering why these changes won’t be applied sooner, balancing is something we approach cautiously. Rushing a fix can lead to even bigger side effects, and we want to be sure that any changes we make align with the intended concepts and gameplay.

    I trust that you all understand this approach.

    I also wanted to talk about buff application rules during battles and the rules around weapon refinement, but this note has already gotten quite long. I’ll post a follow-up tomorrow during maintenance.

    Thank you.

    P.S. Many of you have asked about the summon counts for obtaining the Legend of Gagharv hero selection ticket via the new achievement system.

    In conclusion, the first milestone where you can obtain this selection ticket is after 1,500 hero summons. (This decision was made based on the average number of summons tracked for players so far.)

    You can check the next milestone in-game.

    We've balanced the achievement rewards, considering the standard in-game rewards and future events.

    I want to emphasize, as I mentioned in a previous message, that the purpose of adding this achievement is simply to serve as a minimum safety net, not the primary method of obtaining these heroes. Please understand that this is a bonus opportunity for players who engage with the game long-term.

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