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  • First Balance Patch



    Hello, this is Director Lee Jong-Joo.

    Today, I would like to talk about the detailed balance changes that I promised yesterday.

    Since the nature of this information differs from what is typically included in patch notes, I will convey it through the Director's Note to ensure the intentions are communicated clearly.

    Before we dive into the balance changes, I would like to briefly discuss Threat of Gagharv.

    The Threat of Gagharv content operates on a system where the boss level increases based on the score achieved in battle. As heroes grow, their stats increase, but with the current growth level, when the boss surpasses level 15, it becomes nearly impossible to withstand the damage, and success is determined by how well players compress their damage during that time.

    While this isn't necessarily a bad situation, in the long run, hero growth should also involve improving stats like health, defense, and damage reduction. To counter the boss's patterns, I believe it is better to focus on managing hero combinations rather than relying solely on momentary damage bursts.

    Therefore, as we add ranking rewards to Threat of Gagharv, we've decided to limit the boss level increase to a maximum level of 14.

    We hope this change will allow for more diverse hero combinations and better utilization of tools compared to before.

    Yesterday, I saw a strategy video on the tactics board from a player who achieved an SSS+ rank in Threat of Gagharv using a unique hero combination. It was impressive to see how well they controlled the situation through effective tool usage and deployment.

    I’m excited to see strategies for Octum and Karnikos after this patch.

    Now, let's get into the balance adjustments that many of you have been waiting for.

    1) Stats
    Her base type will be changed from a magic-type to a defense-type, and her basic stats will be adjusted accordingly.

    Along with the type change, the stats gained from rank-ups will now match those of a defense-type character.

    2) Potential
    Her potential skill's fourth level will be modified to align with her new defensive role.

    3) Skills
    Elenoa is equipped with powerful abilities that help maintain party survivability, such as freezing and reducing enemy attack speed. However, she's been difficult to use in the current environment. To address this, the initial mana cost for her main skill will be increased to trigger it earlier, while the initial cooldown for her sub-skills will be shortened to help boost early party survivability.

    Her passive skill will also be adjusted to better fit her role of disrupting enemies and protecting allies.

    4) Transcendence

    Elenoa's main skill plays a crucial role in maintaining the party's survivability. Therefore, the synergy of the second transcendence effect will be changed from [Health] to [Mana Recovery] to increase its utility.

    The third transcendence effect will also be adjusted to allow Elenoa to provide better protection for her allies.

    5) Origin Weapon

    Since Elenoa’s passive skill greatly increases party survivability, her origin weapon's effects will be adjusted to prevent them from becoming overly powerful.

    6) Comment
    Elenoa had a skill set that helped with party survivability, but as a magic-type hero, she couldn’t fully fulfill her role as a tank, which made her less practical in actual battles. Therefore, to suit her as a tank, we adjusted her stats and changed her passive effect to apply to the entire party rather than just herself, enhancing her party's survivability.

    However, during this process, we determined that leaving her original skill set unchanged would result in her being overpowered. As a result, we have modified some of her skill effects as well as some of her origin weapon effects.

    Transcendent Mile
    1) Potential
    Since Transcendent Mile doesn't need accuracy due to his passive skill, his stat focus is being changed to attack speed.

    2) Skills
    To enable Transcendent Mile to play a more prominent role as a main damage dealer, his passive skill will be modified as follows:

    3) Transcendence
    With the 3rd transcendence effect becoming a default passive, the 3rd transcendence effect will now enhance the passive.
    The 5th transcendence effect, in tandem with the passive, will improve Transcendent Mile's damage output.

    4) Origin Weapon
    Previously, Transcendent Mile's origin weapon focused more on empowering the party rather than boosting his own defense. Since his concept is shifting to that of a main damage dealer, the origin weapon effects willalso be adjusted.

    Captain Thomas
    1) Potential
    For Captain Thomas, it’s crucial to use his first main skill quickly, so the 2nd level of his potential will be modified as follows:

    2) Skills
    To allow Captain Thomas's main skill to deal more intense disruption to enemy formations, the movement speed reduction effect will be removed. Instead, an evasion reduction effect will be added to target heroes with high evasion.

    For his sub-skill, the damage multiplier will be decreased due to its change to fixed damage via the 1st transcendence effect, and a mana reduction effect will be added, which was previously obtained at the 3rd transcendence level.

    Captain Thomas's passive skill required too much time to show its effectiveness, making it less viable in actual battles. Therefore, the passive will be changed from a stacking mechanic to a standard buff:

    3) Transcendence
    The 1st transcendence effect will change the sub-skill’s damage to fixed damage, allowing Captain Thomas to deal significant damage to enemy tanks in the Hall of Heroes.
    The original 3rd transcendence effect will be added to the basic sub-skill effect, and the new effect will enhance the fear effect of the main skill, highlighting Captain Thomas's unique characteristics.
    Upon reaching the 6th transcendence level, the sub-skill will enable faster mana recovery, allowing Captain Thomas to inflict continuous fear effects on enemies.

    4) Origin Weapon
    The current shield effect from Captain Thomas's origin weapon was deemed insufficient for the current meta, so the stat multipliers will be increased. The original 5th transcendence effect will now apply to all origin weapon levels, and its value will be increased by 50%, enhancing its utility as an attack and movement speed buffer.

    This concludes the first round of balance adjustments. We are still fine-tuning the changes through simulations, and I would like to note that some stats may be adjusted before the patch.

    Lastly, we discovered a bug during the testing of the Hall of Heroes' battle skip feature, so it will need more time. We apologize for the delay.

    That’s all for today. Thank you for your time, and I’ll see you next time.

    Thank you.

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