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  • Guide to Resolving Installation and Launch Issues for The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy PC Client



    A Heroic Return of a Classic RPG
    The thousand-year story will make your spirit reawaken!

    Hello, this is The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy.

    We have identified that some adventurers are experiencing difficulties launching the game due to missing system files during the PC client installation.

    For those adventurers facing this issue, we ask you to uninstall and reinstall the game. Please note that when uninstalling, you must also delete the folder within the C drive to ensure a complete removal.

    ■ Guide to Resolving Installation and Launch Issues for The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy PC Client
    1. Check Recommended PC Specifications
    - OS: Windows 10 version 17134.0 or later
    - Architecture: x64
    - Memory (RAM): 4GB (minimum) / 6GB (recommended)
    - Video Memory (VRAM): 2GB (minimum) / 4GB (recommended)

    2. Windows> Control Panel> Programs and Features> Uninstall LegendofHeroes

    3. My Computer > Local Disk (C:) > Fowgames folder

    4. Proceed with reinstallation


    ※ If the same issue persists after following the steps above, please refer to the additional method below.

    ■ Additional Method for Resolving Installation Issues for The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy PC Client
    1. Go to the following link: ☞[Direct Link to Download Latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable]
    2. Install the latest version of Visual Studio.

    [X64 Download]

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    Thank you.

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